Towards a Secure and Safe ICT Society
Hardware Security is essential for ICT
"High-level Hardware Security Evaluation"


Secafy is working to realize securer and safer ICT society. Ensuring the security of hardware devices is crucial for this goal. Leveraging our strengths in “Hardware Security Evaluation Technology” and “Hardware Noise Evaluation Technology,” we guarantee the security of hardware devices and contributes to the realization of a securer and safer ICT Society.


Hardware Security Evaluation (Penetration test)

Secafy’s hardware security evaluation allows customers to accurately identify hardware security vulnerabilities in their products. This allows customers to take proper action to develop electronic devices with high hardware security performance.

Measurement for Electromagnetic Noise

Secafy provides the measurement and analysis of electromagnetic (EM) noise generated by electronic devices. We conduct EM noise measurements tailored to customer’s needs including highly sensitive measurements, and EMC evaluation through interference analysis with wireless communication.

Joint Research

Secafy utilizes our strengths in evaluation for “Hardware Security” and “EM Noise” to conduct research and development in line with customer needs. This includes studying hardware attack methods that could pose threats in the future and developing countermeasures against hardware attacks.


Secafy is a start-up company that contributes to the realization of a safer and securer ICT society by utilizing cutting-edge research technologies related to hardware security.


Email: info[at]